their organizing method is rile em up. their goal is material greed: they want all the stuff. they like to play on prejudices, pay lip service, go chasing after the demon of the month, one thing after another, while they continue to arrange things for continued sequestration of assets.
i am sure some of "them" are thinking about human dieoffs as inevitable, they want to grab all the stuff they can for themselves, the rest of us should go with as little fuss as possible, long as "they" survive. i am sure because i am thinking that's likely to happen: large regions stuff all gone, half the people die. its happened before. Paraguay had a war, 90% of the males were killed, they legalized polygyny for a while.
the Rs imo are totally owned by those guys. unfortunately the Ds are about 92% owned by the big money too. very disappointing, but what to do? i must present my left point of view, no one else is doing it.
organization: we have seen that fairly rudimentary organization brought that school board win, and fairly rudimentary organization and a ton of money got them the 2010 election. note please that mostly that did NOT happen in our precinct, and we did not a whole lot of organizing either, but we mostly beat them. it doesn't take much.
we are the people who don't want to do politics. THEY love to have meetings & plot & wheel & deal. we like to chill. so THEY have their meetings & set things up & do them & a ton of money while we gonna get to it later, so they win. and when they win its like get out of our way any stupid thing they want to do, just like we don't count. totalitarian mindset: of course we're right, of course you're wrong, what's there to talk about?
there are more of us than there are of them, we gotta deduff ourselves (as in "get off of our") or we will just lose. they get one more supreme court nomination it will be 30 years of squashing our ideas while resource depletion and theft of assets continues.
things the precinct needs to do:
1. the official requirement is the "precinct meeting" as distinguished from the "precinct meetings" that i call & yall sometimes go to. Some time in Feb-Mar: we will need a quorum & we will elect officers.
i would ever so much like some officers who will do some of the stuff to pull the precinct organization toward being an organization rather than a personal obsessive behavior of mine, cause you know if i stopped doing what im doing the precinct organization evaporates. some people more than me to make it more organization-like. i wish.
and really to try to pull up a quorum for 01-37 too, get them started. someone from there to call some people? "we're looking for people to go to the precinct organizational meeting, waddaya say?"
2. there will be some election stuff this year including school board our district. we snooze we lose. the new way of money in elections means we can expect to be buried in anti-money, we won't be able to compete in money, but we can theoretically out-organize them and beat them with superior numbers. theoretically it can be done. but, you know, only if we do it.
enough for now.