Thursday, September 1, 2011

proposed voter info flyer

This is a first attempt at the letter to be sent to the precinct. Please comment on it for the next 48 hours, I'll reedit & post again for comment, then I'll print & mail it.

Chris Telesca, up the Dem line, told me 3 mailings are the minimum necessary to get a response, what does that have to do with us in the precinct? Where's the money? I figure the more or less end of voter registration by mail is Sep. 25 so let's just get it out there a week before that. Now to prepare the mailing list. That means finding the people living at the same address & creating a single label for them to save postage. Perhaps as many as 30% are couples, etc. Maybe 1-2h of work. Someone do it for me in next 48h? 72? By next Monday.

I am going to try to disclipine myself enough to post this on the precinct blog, at which comments on the flyer (and other subjects) can be easily made.

Is it time to start exhorting? Do you need me to yell & scream about how serious this election is and how much is at stake? Let me know, I will.



Hi. My name is Bob Reis. I am the precinct chair for the Democratic party in precinct 01-15. This letter has all of the basic voter information for the election this year.

Election day is October 11. We will be voting for school board member, mayor of Raleigh, City Council, two bond issues.

Voter registration instructions: ignore this if you are sure you are registered. If you are not sure you can check your registration online here: or you can call me & I will do it for you: 782-1494.

If you are not registered there is a form that needs to be filled out and sent in. You can get the form here:
or you can call & ask me, I'll come over to your house & do the registration with you. 872-1494. This has to be done by Sep. 15.


I will be voting for these candidates, seems they are the ones that have been endorsed by the Wake County Democratic party:

School Board - Caroline Kushner

Mayor of Raleigh - Nancy McFarlane

City Council at large (pick 2) - Mary Ann Baldwin & Russ Stephenson

City Council District A (that's us) - Randy Stagner

Early voting:

is downtown at the Board of Elections only this year. Address: 337 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27601

dates & times: Mon-Fri, Sep. 22, 23, 26-30, Oct. 3-7, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (NOT 5:01!)

Sat, Oct. 8, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (only weekend time for early voting.

It may be possible to get you a ride there if you need one

absentee ballot:

Write a letter requesting absentee ballot. Letter must contain following:

name, address, date of birth, address where ballot should be MAILED (if different from the Wake County residence address), daytime phone, signature. Mail the letter to:

Wake County Board of Elections
Attn: Absentee
PO Box 695
Raleigh NC 27602

Request for absentee ballot should be mailed by about Sep. 25 at latest. You will receive a ballot packet in the mail, fill it out according to instructions, send back, probably will cost about $1.00 for postage.

Call me if you have questions. There is an email precinct newsletter put out by the Democratic Party organization here providing ongoing information on the details of upcoming elections, ways of being involved in political processes, how to get in touch with elected people, etc.. If you want to get it call me and give me your email address.

Bob Reis
01-15 Dem chair


















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