Sunday, February 19, 2012

results of meeting 2/19/2012

Hi. 4 people were at the meeting at Panera North Hills 2/19/11. This is what we did:
1. We decided that the annual meeting will be Tuesday, Mar. 6, Panera North Hills, 6:30 PM. This is the meeting at which we elect officers, we need a quorum of 5 registered voters in the precinct, so be there please. If we're efficient we can get everything done in less than 1/2 hour.
2. Resolutions: resolutions are submitted to the county party resolutions committee for "processing" and some may go on to the various conventions for consideration. The successful resolutions become part of the state party platform. We thought we liked the idea of resolutions on the following subjects:
a. pro-medical marijuana
b. that the next reapportionment in 2020 should be done by a non-partisan commission
c. that the NCDP should officially oppose the constitutional amendment about marriage
d. that policies should be arranged to ensure that all schools in NC can have less than 40% free/subsidized lunch students
Please comment on any/all of these by, oh, Mar 1 so we can make a final decision what to do about these, write them up, submit them after the Mar. 6 meeting. I will publish our proceedings as they come in. Also if you have other items you are interested in submitting resolutions on.
3. We decided that we will be doing 2 mailings in the precinct in advance of the May 8 primary as our main/only precinct activity. One mailing will be to the precinct Dems, the other to the precinct unaffiliateds. The Dem mailer will have the sample ballot like we did last year. The unafil mailer will announce that unafils can vote in this May 8 election on the constitutional amendment. Both will have info on early & absentee voting. Cost of each mailer will be ~$130, we decided we can afford it ourselves (the 4 of us at the meeting) but of course y'all are welcome to contribute & that would be nice it you do. 01-37 - let us know if you want to participate in these mailers.
4. We decided that the 01-15 precinct organization will actively work on the defeat of the constitional amendment proposal. There are these yard signs available, I'll send a picture next time. The signs come from Greensboro & cost $5.00 each. We will be arranging a bulk buy (50 min). If you want one/+ let me know.
Also, I'd like to get more precinct Dems on this email list. Y'all got Dem friends in the precinct? Ask them please if they get these emails, if not get them to give you their email addresses, pass them on to me. Thanks.
All for now. I'll be communicating more frequently as the year goes on.
This posted on the facebook page and sent to the email listserve.
Regards, Bob Reis
01-15 Dem Chair

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