Monday, February 27, 2012

two things to discuss

Hi. Subjects of this message:
1. the annual meeting & the postcards that some of us have received
2. the resolutions
1. The meeting is at Panera North Hills March 6, 6:30. There is a bit of subtext to that story. Some or all of us have gotten the blue postcards from the county party about the meeting at the Fairgrounds. WE (01-15) ARE NOT MEETING THERE. I've told (twice) that we're meeting at Panera, and though I have not had a response from them & they have not posted our meeting on the website I am opining that our meeting will be as they say "legal." Admin will be getting this email, so another opportunity for them to publish our meeting time/place.
(BTW, I am in Kerr-Scott pavilion several times per year. Noisy.)
Panera North Hills March 6, 6:30.
2. The mention of the 3 resolutions in last email drew no responses whatsoever. Therefore, if the people who wanted to submit those resolutions still want to go ahead and put your resolution in resolution form (whereas this and that etc, therefore be it resolved that whatever) and get them back to me in, say, 3 days so I can put them out in another email for comment before our meeting.
Then there was my "corporations are not people" resolution that got two (2) yes comments and no no comments so it is ready to go and we'll vote on it at the meeting.
More soon.
Regards, Bob Reis
01-15 Dem chair

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